“Gratitude is a creative energy that makes miracles happen. What are you grateful for? Share your miracle.”

We often hear about the powerful, transformative, healing energies of Forgiveness, but what about its close cousin—Gratitude? With Thanksgiving a couple of days away, we want to talk about Gratitude as a powerful catalyst to amazing opportunities in your life.

Imagine this: Before you close your eyes at night for sleep, you give thanks (aka count your blessings) to anything and everything in your life that is healing, joyful, successful, inspirational as well as to all those things that are challenging and push your edges because we all know it’s the hard times and the difficult relationships that help us grow the most.

And every morning when you wake up, you give thanks again to all these things—the blessings and the challenges—that make up our human life. And throughout your day you are grateful for the simple things we often take for granted: a roof over your head; a warm shower; a hot cup of tea; hugs from your children; kisses from your beloved; compliments from your boss; breakthroughs from your clients; nourishing food; creative energy; blue skies; pouring rain…

As a Health Coach, an attitude of gratitude is one of the most powerful energies you can hold for your clients as it serves as a portal to possibilities. Without gratitude, life feels small, incidents feel random, people feel used. With gratitude, all of life starts to feel miraculous and full of wonder and you discover small miracles everywhere that come in the form of gifts, appreciation and the biggest one of all—love.

Take a second and think about the last time you felt truly grateful. Did that open you up to experience things in a different, more positive, light? Gratitude is an energy that opens the door for life to flow through you. And when life is in flow, miracles happen. And when miracles happen, we feel grateful and so the gratitude cycle continues.

As Thanksgiving approaches, be grateful. Express this gratitude in big ways and small. Small can be as simple as saying, “Thank you for doing the dishes,” to your partner or “Thank you for opening up to me,” to your client. Or it can be something you say to yourself, “I am grateful that I’m alive today,” or “I’m grateful that I discovered Health Coaching!”

Whatever it is you are grateful for, let it come from your heart. Without an open heart, gratitude has no way of expanding outward into the universe. With an open heart gratitude overflows and soon enough so do all the blessings—big and small.

Write to us! What are you grateful for in this human life? What are you grateful for as a coach? What magic and miracles has gratitude created in your life?

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Health Coach Institute provides aspiring Health and Life Coaches with the tools, training, and support to make a great living transforming lives.