Congratulations on deciding to enroll in Health Coach school! You’ve taken the first big step on a life-changing journey and have so much to look forward to. In Health Coach school, you’ll learn how to empower others to make profound and lasting changes in their lives, while also doing powerful inner growth work that will transform your life for the better too. But first, let’s talk about what you can expect in Health Coach School and how you can best set yourself up for learning success.

Health Coach School: What to Expect

Every Health Coach training program is unique, although some may have elements in common. Generally speaking, though, you can expect to learn tools, tips, and techniques to help others improve their health and transform their lives. A Health Coach school should teach you the key components to launch and nurture a successful Health Coaching career. For instance, our six-month Become a Health Coach (BHC) program includes four key training elements: Nutrition, Habit Change Coaching, Personal Growth and Money Mindset, and Business and Marketing Systems.

The best Health Coach schools will offer you the chance to learn from seasoned professionals and study a comprehensive curriculum that will help you develop a solid foundation for your future coaching career. They should also offer you plenty of opportunities to practice your newfound coaching skills and build your confidence. By the time you complete your training, you should feel and be ready to welcome your first clients, and help them change their lives for the better.

3 Steps to Take Before Starting Health Coach School

Step 1: Check in with your emotions. You’re about to begin a journey that will take you to new personal and professional heights. As you prepare to start your training to become a Health Coach, take some time to meditate on your mental and emotional state. How are you feeling? Are you excited? Nervous? Impatient? Some combination of the three? It’s completely natural to feel a whirlwind of emotions as you prepare for this journey. After all, you’re going to be learning a lot about yourself as you learn to resolve your own issues and prepare to help other people make transformative changes in their own lives. The important thing is that you know you are following your heart and your head.

Step 2: Plan for the training sessions. You’ve chosen a Health Coach school, and you’re counting down the days until the program begins. Just like a child on the first day of school, you may be jittery with anticipation and excited to get started! But before the first day of Health Coach school rolls around, make sure you’re really ready for the program. You don’t have to buy No. 2 pencils and a composition book (unless you want to), but you do need to make physical and mental space for participating in the training program.

Here are some things to consider:

Physical space. You may not be training in an actual classroom if you choose an online school, but you do need a place to learn. Do you have access to a room with a door that shuts, so you can work and learn without any interruptions? If not, do you have plans for another location where you can really focus on your education? After all, there’s a lot to learn, and you want to be truly present for it.

Additionally, an online Health Coach school requires you to have properly functioning technology. This could include things like a laptop or desktop, software (including updated virus protection software), and internet access. Making sure you have all these pieces in place will help you avoid any unnecessary interruptions or delays when it’s time to begin your training.

Mental space. Have you carved out the time for all of your training sessions? To get the most out of Health Coach school, it’s critical to make your training a top priority. We recommend reviewing your calendar and blocking out all the time that you’ll need for your training sessions in advance. Treat it like any other important commitment. And don’t forget to allow time for self-study, too. If you’re participating in our Become a Health Coach program, be sure to schedule times for practice coaching sessions, Skills Lab sessions, and attending HCI Live!

Step 3: Prepare to be challenged.
Preparing for Health Coach school means preparing for the beginning of a fulfilling and rewarding career. And like anything else that’s meaningful, it will be challenging, humbling, and maybe even a little overwhelming at times! That’s totally normal. But you can prepare yourself to accept the challenges that may arise and meet them head-on with enthusiasm and a genuine desire to learn. That’s the kind of experience you’ll be able to share with your future clients as they confront their own challenges and make big changes in their lives too.

Here are a few recommendations to help you:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Whether you’ve enrolled in the Become a Health Coach program or a different Health Coach school, there’s a lot to learn. Your well-qualified instructors are there to help you. Speak up and look for support if you’re unclear about something. This is your education! This is your opportunity to learn.
  • Get excited. Remember why you chose to pursue a career as a Health Coach? Let that drive to empower people to be their best selves continue to be your motivator as you begin Health Coach school.
  • Tap your resources. Take advantage of the wealth of resources available to you through your Health Coach training program…including your fellow students! Utilizing your community and all the other resources included with your training will ensure you get most out of your training experience.

How to Get Started with Health Coach School

We have every confidence in you, future Health Coach! By following these simple steps, we have no doubt you’ll ace your training and be ready to launch a career you’ll love in no time!

Still deciding on a Health Coaching program? Our Picking the Right Health Coach School page has loads of information that will help point you in the best direction for you.

Start Your Health and Wellness Coaching Career with HCI

Coaching is a great career that you can help others, while also learning how to help your own personal growth. Health Coach Institute is a top health and wellness coaching certification program. Join our Become a Health Coach program and begin coaching in 6 months! If you are already a coach and want to advance your skills, check out HCI’s Coach Mastery program. Feel free to get in touch with with one of our clarity coaches directly, by calling 1-800-303-2399.


Health Coach Institute provides aspiring Health and Life Coaches with the tools, training, and support to make a great living transforming lives.