Here are guidelines for how you show up and make the most of the event.
1. WEBCAM ETIQUETTE: With most virtual events, video is one-way. This makes it harder for the host, as well as other attendees. We ask that you enable your webcam during this event, as your speakers will be able to see you and feel your energy, making these three days one of the most fun and valuable virtual experiences you’ve EVER been a part of.
PS – Be aware of your surroundings (for example, if you need to use the restroom during the live sessions, and you take your computer with you so you can still hear us, be sure to turn off your audio and video 🙂)
2. BEING PRESENT: This is a live virtual experience, and for you to receive the most from it, (plus support your fellow participants) your presence is needed! YOU are an important part of the experience. Really listen to the speakers: Being present is the best gift you can give yourself! Resist the urge to take tons of notes (versus listening for and capturing big takeaways) and keep your phones on Do Not Disturb and turn your email notifications off to minimize distractions. If you have children, set up a play area where you can keep an eye on them while they are self-entertaining.
3. YOUR BEST YOU: Listen to your body: be your best self: reduce alcohol consumption in the evenings so you get restful sleep. Eat healthy and stay hydrated and caffeinated! Plan ahead to have snacks on hand.
4. EXPANSION: Take the time during breaks to move your body. Breakouts are a great time to quickly share contact info to connect with fellow attendees after the event.
5. CLARITY: Less clutter, more clarity. We believe the less clutter, the easier it is to learn. Keep your workspace tidy and comfortable. This is a time for you to dive in, learn, grow, laugh, and generate motivation and momentum. Create that space for yourself!
6. QUESTIONS: There will be an opportunity to post questions for the speakers and team to see, as well as dedicated time to interact with each other during the three days. Post your questions succinctly, including only the relevant details to get the best possible answer.
Together, we will all make this experience one of empowerment, inspiration, connection, and momentum. Thanks for your willingness to adhere to these guidelines and etiquette. We are excited to be together!