A few months ago we featured Sharla Mandere, founder of her coaching practice Radiant Sunrise Coaching, a graduate of our BHC January, 2016 Class, and a member of our HMBA Grad November, 2016 Tribe on Instagram and today we’re highlighting her on our blog because she RADIATES awesomeness as a coach. ?

Sharla is a superwoman— not just an amazing coach and owner of her own coaching biz, but a creative and healthy foodie, a hands-on mom, an exercise guru and a theatre lover where she volunteers her heart and soul in her community choreographing kids’ theatre productions!
Guaranteed you will find her post SUPER inspiring, to say the least!

I’m super excited to take over the HCI IG for the day! Good morning! I like to start my day with some journaling, organizing my calendar and to-do list, and visualizing. I think it’s super important how we start our day! If the day starts in chaos, it will continue to be chaos. So I always try to make a point to start my day calm and organized. Of course, I’m a mom too, so that doesn’t mean my day always stays calm LOL but at least I can start it this way, and it helps me to stay focused throughout the rest of my day. #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange

After my visualizing and organizing of my calendar, it’s time for breakfast for me and the kids. We absolutely love making smoothies in the morning! My kids love them, and it makes me happy that they are getting lots of good nutrients in with breakfast! I always add something else to my smoothie to thicken it up, so that I don’t feel hungry an hour later, and today I’m going to do a training run so I really want to make sure my body is fueled properly to sustain the energy I need! I love adding Maca Powder, Spirulina and Chia Seeds to the smoothies to pack it full of good nutrients for us all. Goodies like protein, fiber, Onega-3 and essential minerals. It’s like extra credit for your body! My kids chose the fruit, so today we have cherries and blueberries! Super yummy, they drank it up and so did I! #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange

Let’s talk water!! Most of us don’t drink enough and it’s sooooo good for you! Water helps us flush out toxins, lose weight, gain energy, and squash cravings. One way I help ensure we all get enough water in is to make it like a game. I call it my “Water Cocktail”. I love adding things to my water and seeing how the flavors combine. Lemon is great, I’ve even done watermelon and mint and basil! Today though, we have strawberries, blueberries, and rosemary & parsley from our garden! It’s so fresh and yummy! It definitely helps me to remember to drink more, and WANT to drink more! Make sure when you add to your water, you are using organic ingredients as the last thing you want is pesticides sitting in your water. Keep it organic, clean, fresh and drink up!! Today’s Water Cocktail helped me celebrate the warm spring sun!! #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange

I had to get a quick run in before I have my client calls – as a fitness instructor, one of the biggest challenges I’ve had to adjust to in being a Health Coach, is all the sitting involved! So I need to make sure that I’m getting my exercise in as well. When I’m on the phone a lot, I try to make it a point to get up for at least 5 to 10 minutes every hour and walk or do jumping jacks or just move my body in some way. Today I had to do a training run for a half marathon I have coming up. So I took my youngest and my stroller and we went to one of my favorite places in San Diego and took a jog! This also got us both outdoors and some much-needed vitamin D! Now it’s home to shower, and get to work with a few clients! #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange

One thing I like to do from time to time is a Write and Burn. I learned this from a friend many years ago, and it really helps me clear my mind and let go of things that need to be released. If I don’t have a lot of time, I set a timer for 5 mins, otherwise, I sit and start writing anything that comes to mind. It can even be things that happened a long time ago, or something more recent. As I write, I notice more and more comes up. Then I put the papers in a flameproof bowl and watch them burn! As they burn, that energy is released and I feel calmer and better! There is something really satisfying to me in watching all those worries burn away. This was definitely on my mind to do today, and it really helped me calm the chatter in my brain. Give it a try sometime! #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange

After doing an online webinar, and picking up the kids from school, we have snacks. It’s warming up here, and one thing we love to do when it gets warm at home is make ice cream! Today as a special after-school snack, we made Strawberry Vanilla and Chocolate Peppermint ice cream. This is so easy and quicker than you think it will be! This took 15 minutes with our ice cream maker. As a mom, I love homemaking that ice cream, because I get to control how much sugar goes in! This will eventually be a blog post on my website as we get closer to summer, but we took one cup of whipping cream (I didn’t say it was low fat ;), 1/8 cup sugar, 1tsp vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. A four-ingredient base, and it tastes so good—mom win! For the chocolate, I added 100% cacao powder, and one drop of peppermint essential oil. I use a brand that is very clean and is safe to ingest.

Another benefit of this that I love, is that my youngest is allergic to artificial food coloring. This way I can make all the flavors that she loves, but without the dye! It’s a nice way to help her to feel like she’s not missing out on any special treats. She gets the same as everyone else in the house, and it’s very nice for us all. The only thing we couldn’t agree on – does the pic look like a Mickey Mouse or a cute face? #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange

Can I tell you a secret? I’ve recently fallen in love with Brussels sprouts! As a kid, I didn’t like them because I thought I was supposed to not like them. I don’t think I ever even tried one until after college (though I ate other veggies!) Then, I tried roasted ones at a restaurant and vowed to figure out the recipe! Turns out, the restaurant deep fries them – which is probably why I liked them so much – but I found that roasting them tastes just as good! I love roasting my veggies – my go-to’s are broccoli, carrots, asparagus, chickpeas, and now Brussels Sprouts! I pop them in the oven with a little EVOO, garlic, salt and pepper and it’s good to go while I make the rest of dinner! Super easy, and super yummy! AND the kids will eat them too – no ketchup required! #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange

One thing I am passionate about is volunteering to better the community you live in. It’s how I give back. My college degree is in theatre, and I made a living performing in musicals for a long time. I even owned a children’s theatre company for almost 10 years. Now, I give my time by being a choreographer for a wonderful organization that teaches middle schoolers life skills, using Musical Theatre! This year, (and coincidentally this week!) we are performing My Fair Lady, and we have a cast of 89 4th through 8th graders. This is a huge production, and a lot of people think we are crazy for doing it! But I love seeing all their hard work come together on the stage! Helping shape and build their confidence, at such an integral time in their lives is so impactful for them and for me. Theatre teaches them new things about themselves, challenges them to go to a new level, it teaches teamwork, respect, trustworthiness, responsibility and compassion to name a few traits, and then watching them feel the success and satisfaction of performing for sold out audiences of over 500 people is so fun! Filling their buckets fills my soul. I encourage everyone to find a way to give back to their community by doing something they love. Sharing your gift with others will help you feel grounded, centered, balanced and happier! Volunteering gets me out of my own head. #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange

At the end of the night, I love having a cup of tea. It helps to call me, it’s warm, and it’s very comforting. It helps me to wind down after a busy day. I also love this little brand and it has inspirational quotes on every teabag. Sometimes I will journal, and my journal entry will be based on what the teabag quote is LOL. Sometimes I will read a book, sometimes I will watch something totally mindless or fun on TV, and sometimes I will just plain go to sleep. Tonight, it’s sleep. Thanks for spending the day with me, and have a great night! #DayInTheHCILife #SparktheChange
Feeling inspired by Sharla? We bet you are! Her light shines bright and so can yours!  

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