Congratulations! You’ve made the life-changing decision to become a Health Coach. With so many meaningful ways you can make a difference as a Health Coach, you’re excited to move forward. But first, you need to make a key decision—choosing the program that’s best for you.

By answering a few key questions, you can make sure you pick a program that fits your needs and puts you on a path that’s fulfilling, successful, and sustainable.

What to Consider When Choosing a Health Coach School

So, what’s most important when choosing a Health Coach school? Curriculum, of course!

When it comes to choosing a Health Coach training program, it’s not surprising that a strong and comprehensive curriculum jumps to the top of the list of things to look for. After all, a quality curriculum has the power to put you at the top of your game upon graduation. Alternatively, a sub-par program could leave you feeling lost, frustrated, and uncertain of how to move forward.

It’s important to start your search by comparing curriculums at several schools. This means taking the time to dig into exactly what’s offered as part of each Health Coach program. It also means asking questions. For instance, how comprehensive is the curriculum? Does it adequately cover the areas you’re most interested in, and include topics that are relevant in today’s world? Does it provide practical knowledge, like how to run a business and promote yourself successfully? Is hands-on training part of the package? And perhaps most importantly, will the program give you the confidence and skills you need to succeed after graduation?

At Health Coach Institute, our Become a Health Coach (BHC) program’s cutting-edge curriculum centers around the four essential pillars of Health Coaching: Nutrition, Habit Change Coaching, Personal Growth and Money Mindset, and Business and Marketing Systems. Together, these pillars provide our students with a rock-solid foundation on which they can build their careers and their businesses successfully.

Here are six more important considerations for evaluating Health Coach schools:

Does the Coaching Program Include Hands-on Training?

Becoming a successful Health Coach requires a level of confidence that can only come from real-world, hands-on experience. The program you choose should include ample time working with practice clients to build your skills. In fact, we feel so strongly about this particular point that if a program doesn’t offer hands-on training, we recommend you look elsewhere.

Is the School Accredited for Health and Wellness Coaching?

When it comes to launching a Health Coaching career, credibility is key. That’s why it’s important to seek out programs that are accredited.

The gold standard in coaching accreditation, the International Coaching Federation is a great place to start. Programs with ICF accreditation have undergone a rigorous vetting process that requires hands-on training and mentoring, so you can be sure you’ll get an education that enables you to move forward confidently after graduation.

Is the Mode of Education Flexible Enough to Fit Your Needs?

When looking at potential programs, it’s important to think about whether or not they work with your learning style and schedule. Do you have the time, resources, and motivation to participate in a highly scheduled classroom setting? Or, do you need flexible online options that can accommodate a job or family obligations? Turns out, more and more people are turning to online options to get an education that might otherwise be unattainable for them. This article provides an interesting look at the growth of certificate programs, in particular. The bottom line is, whatever your needs, today’s technologies are making it easier and more convenient than ever to obtain the knowledge that can help you realize your dreams.

How Does the Cost of the Coaching Program Align with What You’re Willing or Able to Invest?

Let’s face it – for most people, cost is a major consideration in choosing a coaching program. However, it’s important to look beyond the numbers and invest in your future wisely. Simply going with the least expensive option could leave you feeling unprepared for the future. Choosing programs that offer accreditation and hands-on learning are often worth an extra investment. So be sure you’re comparing costs and offerings at the schools you’re considering. Then, find out which schools are willing to work with you, and which ones provide things like money-back guarantees and payment plans.

Does the School Offer a Strong Coaching Community and/or Mentorship Program?

Continuing your education can be hard work, especially if you have other obligations like family or a job. But, when you surround yourself with passionate, like-minded people, it can also be a lot of fun! Finding a program with a strong, close-knit community that is positive, supportive, and present can be a key factor in how much you enjoy your educational journey. This can be especially true for online health coaching programs.

So take the time to get a feel for how students interact with and support one another. Can you see yourself as a part of that group?

Is the Program a Good Fit for Your Personal Motivation?

Every Health Coach school has its own philosophy, personality, and general way of doing things. Think back to what motivated you to begin this journey in the first place, and then consider the kind of environment you thrive in and what kinds of things could make learning easier or more difficult for you.

  • How does that compare to the program you’re considering?
  • Does it feel right?
  • Are you excited about it?
  • Or do you feel uncertain?

If you’ve done the proper research first, listening to your gut can help you make a choice that works for you.

How To Get Started With a Health Coach School

Once you’ve done your research and made your decision, it’s time to get ready to get back to class! Fortunately, there are several ways you can prepare that will make the transition easier:

  • Talk to friends and colleagues who have gone back to school. Ask them what their experience was like and what made it easier or more difficult.
  • Get your family and friends on board. The more people you have supporting you in your effort, the better.
  • Carve out time to get your work done. If necessary, create a schedule that can be shared with friends and family.

Finally, remember why you decided to embark on this journey in the first place. The desire to help people and create a healthier future can be a powerful motivator!

Join a Health Coach School to Get Your Certification

Coaching is a great career that you can help others, while also learning how to help your own personal growth. Health Coach Institute is a top health and wellness coaching certification program. Join our Become a Health Coach program and begin coaching in 6 months! If you are already a coach and want to advance your skills, check out HCI’s Coach Mastery program. Feel free to get in touch with with one of our clarity coaches directly, by calling 1-800-303-2399


Health Coach Institute provides aspiring Health and Life Coaches with the tools, training, and support to make a great living transforming lives.